Saturday, February 21, 2009

We are here to stay

“Change The Change” is an organization for political activism at the state and federal levels comprised of individual United States citizens who would like to peacefully protest the current onset of gun control, globalization, the destruction of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and any other injustices invoked upon the people of this country. “Change The Change” will not tolerate violence (including the inciting of riots or physical or verbal outbursts of a violent or threatening nature.) or the use of illicit or recreational drugs or alcohol at any of our events. Anyone deemed to be violent, or is found to be under the influence of any narcotic or alcohol, will be asked to excuse themselves from the event quietly, if they refuse, then the individual will then have forfeited their membership with the group and be known as a defector and believed to be in opposition of the groups intentions.
I. Gun Control
A. It has been proven throughout history that gun control is one of the first and most important steps to introducing a tyrannical form of government. It leaves the majority of the opposition defenseless and the others who refuse to abide by any gun control legislation can instantly be deemed outlaws or terrorists and be arrested immediately.
B. Gun Control has been used by many world leaders to control their people and create a state of dependency and insecurity among their people. Adolf Hitler instituted this idea shortly before his attempted extermination of the Jewish people in Germany and his eventual attempt of domination of Europe.
C. Gun Control, like the “War on Drugs” is only effective at keeping outlawed items out of the hands of law abiding citizens, not the “bad people” that the supporting arguments would have you believe.
II. Globalization (NWO)
A. Globalization, also known as The New World Order, has already been endorsed by President Obama and is a real threat to society. This communistic form of government is supported by many of our current government officials and will lead to the total collapse of the United States economy, to include the phasing out of the American dollar.
B. Mexico, Canada and the United States have been speculated to be involved in a plan to form a union under the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) and introduce a new form of currency to replace the American dollar, the Canadian dollar, and the Mexican Peso. This will be the end of the United States of America, the United States constitution, and our entire legal system as we know it changing all of our state and federal laws overnight.
C. This form of government will also dissolve our system of checks and balances and give totalitarian control to a single group or individual over the entire union, region and eventually the world. This would effectively take away the voice and all rights of the people and rule all public opinion null and void.
III. The Destruction of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights
A. The United States Constitution had been getting slowly eaten away for decades but nothing had pushed this along quicker than the “Patriot Act”. This one piece of legislation has made it possible for the government to arrest and imprison any person for nearly any reason under suspect of terrorism.
B. The dissolution of the writ of “Posse Comitatus” can potentially lead to martial law being implemented on our own soil. This would mean that in the event of civil unrest due to the current and worsening state of our economy, that our government could willfully deploy our troops to police private citizens. This would give the military full control of our country resulting in the loss of all of your constitutional rights.
C. Of all of the basic liberties lined out in the “Bill of Rights” only one remains in tact. The entire Bill of Rights is under attack in the name of security.
With all the attacks on the freedoms and liberties that our country has to offer, it’s a wonder why no one had considered this an attack on the American people. Our rights are slipping away on a daily basis and now it’s picking up momentum. It’s time to stand up and make a difference and demand a change. The second American revolution has come, will you be a true patriot or a turncoat? We ask not for violence, or blood shed. We ask only for our constitutional rights to free speech, the right to peacefully assemble, and the right to be heard. If you agree with this brief outline of our organization, then it’s time to stand up and Change the Change. We are here to stay!

Written by: St. Jimmy II
For more information e-mail at: or check out these links to myspace and blogspot;
First,, and Thank you for your time.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Must read.. sovereignty for states.. newest artical

States Declare Sovereignty
21 states and counting are either working on resolutions or have passed resolutions declaring state sovereignty under the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Soldiers to train among civilians

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Burlington County Times

The Civil Affairs School at Fort Dix is conducting a training session that will come in contact with civilians in the towns surrounding the base, today through Saturday.

The program simulates the soldiers' presence in a foreign country, and they will ask residents questions pertaining to their needs and assessments of the towns to help in training.

Soldiers will be carrying information cards they will give residents upon request. The project will be conducted during daylight hours in the area surrounding Fort Dix

Monday, February 16, 2009

Dr.Detroit radio


Obama Turns US Over To ‘New World Order’ On February 17th
Posted on February 16, 2009 by Barbara Peterson

Obama Turns US Over To ‘New World Order’ On February 17th


By: Sorcha Faal

February 15, 2009

What Does It

Russian reports coming from the G-7 meetings being held in Rome are stating that under pressure from his European Union peers, President Obama has ‘agreed in principal‘ to totally surrender the sovereignty of the United States to the New World Order before this year has passed.

News reports coming from the United States are further stating that in his acceptance of his Nations destruction, President Obama, this coming Tuesday, will sign the most important bill in his country’s entire history (and also the most expensive in all of history) at the planned World Headquarters for this New World Order, Denver, Colorado, and not in Washington D.C. as had been expected.

Further evidence of President Obama’s capitulation to the New World Order lies not only in the location he has chosen to open this new, and catastrophic, chapter of his Nation, but also in the date he has chosen to sign this bill overturning all the American people have held sacred, February 17th.

The reason for this being so is that February 17, 2009, falls upon one of the most important Illuminati astrological ‘signs of great changes’ with the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter, and which in its most simplistic sense means “With the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter, you have an abundance of energy and enthusiasm to take on tasks that would frighten all but the most courageous.”

To his choosing of Denver to be the location of his capitulation to the New World Order for his American people, President Obama has plunged his Nation deep into the heart of Illuminati symbolism, and nowhere is this more evident than in the mysterious Denver International Airport [2nd photo left], and of its vast strangeness we can read:

“Even though the area is basically flat (with a stunning view of mountains all around, since it’s in a valley), the expense and time was taken to extensively lower some areas and raise others. They moved 110 million cubic yards of earth around. This is about 1/3rd of the amount of earth they moved when they dug out the Panama Canal.

The airport has a fiber optic communications core made of 5,300 miles of cable. That’s longer than the Nile River. That’s from New York City to Buenos Aires, Argentina. The airport also has 11,365 miles of copper cable communications network.

The fueling system can pump 1,000 gallons of jet fuel per minute through a 28-mile network of pipes. There are six fuel hold tanks that each hold 2.73 million gallons of jet fuel. This is somewhere in the “no one will ever ever need this much” range.

Granite was imported from all over the world - Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America - and used in making the main terminal floor. This is a ridiculous expense, especially when you’re already over budget. They say, “The floor pattern echoes the roof design and subtly reinforces passenger flows”. Ah… subliminal messages to move your ass. It might look pretty but would any of us know Chilean granite from Chinese granite? Or care? You can dye rock if it’s colors you’re after. Cheaper rocks. (I wonder what the “stones have power” people say about this…)

The huge, main terminal is Jeppesen Terminal, named after Elfrey Jeppesen, who was the first person to create maps specifically for aviation (the company is still in business today). This area is known as the “Great Hall”; it’s said this is what the Masons name their meeting place.

It is 900 feet by 210 feet big. This is over 1.5 million square feet of space. All told, there is over 6 million square feet of public space at DIA. The airport brags that they have room to build another terminal and two more concourses and could serve 100 million passengers a year. The airport flew 36 million in 2001.

The only way to get to the other two concourses/terminals from the Great Hall, or vice versa, is via the airport’s train system.

There are more than 19 miles (30 km) of conveyor belt track, luggage transport cars and road in their own underground tunnels that move baggage and goods. They’re so huge you can drive trucks through them, and some remain unused.

The entire roof of DIA is made of 15 acres of Teflon-coated, woven fiber glass. The same material is on the inside as a layer, also. The place looks like a bizarre scene out of “Dune”, comprised of huge, spiked tent-like structures. The material reflects 90% of the sunlight and doesn’t conduct heat. So you can’t see into the place with radar or see heat signatures.”

Also to be noticed about this New World Order airport in Denver are its shocking murals [3rd and 4th photos left], also of which we can read:

“An African woman in colorful native garb; a Native American woman who’s heritage the airport’s art supposedly celebrates; a blonde girl with cupid bow lips, a Star of David on her chest and a bible in her hands. Each lay dead in open coffins for your viewing pleasure. A burning city, children sleeping on piles of bricks, a line of mourning women in rags with dead babies, limp in their arms. A huge, looming military figure in a gas mask brandishes a sword and machine gun. Part of an actual note written by a child interred in a Nazi death camp. Strange words embedded in the floor with no explanation about what they mean.”

Further anomalies of this New World Airport are nothing but chilling to comprehend, and include:

“What you don’t see are 8 sub-basements, low- and high- frequency sounds that make people sick, air vents jutting out of the surrounding barren acres of fenced lots that have barbed wire along their tops - pointing in. Whole buildings that were constructed below ground level and then buried as is, the excuse being they were “built wrong”. An entire runway constructed, then buried under a layer of dirt and “forgotten”. The layers of workers and companies who were fired so no one would have a Big Picture. And workers even reported seeing Aliens working there.”

Also to be noted about this area is that in 2005, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) relocated the headquarters of its domestic division, which is responsible for operations and recruitment in the United States, from the CIA’s Langley headquarters to Denver and that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has based its much feared International and Domestic Counterterrorism Forces there too.

It is also important to note that the United States Northern Command, recently given new powers to unleash US Military Forces against its own citizens, and the US Space Command are both located less than 100 miles from Denver at Peterson Air Force Base, and which Russian Military Analysts state is the single most defensively protected area on our entire Earth.

Of these new powers granted to the US Northern Command we can also read as reported by the Washington Post News Service in their December 1, 2008, article titled “Pentagon to Detail Troops to Bolster Domestic Security“, and which states:

“The U.S. military expects to have 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States by 2011 trained to help state and local officials respond to a nuclear terrorist attack or other domestic catastrophe, according to Pentagon officials.

The long-planned shift in the Defense Department’s role in homeland security was recently backed with funding and troop commitments after years of prodding by Congress and outside experts, defense analysts said.”

As to why these US Troops are being prepared to be unleashed upon the American people one need look no further than the massive New World Order ‘stimulus‘ bill President Obama is set to sign in Denver, and which unknown to virtually all of these poor souls had ‘slipped‘ into it, in ink, and just minutes prior to its passing by the US Congress (rendering them unable to read it), a provision titled “Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009” and named after a 16-year old honor student in President Obama’s hometown of Chicago who was murdered in May, 2007.

It is no wonder that this new law has been kept secret from the American people by their propaganda media organs as with its coming into law means that every single American owning a firearm will have to possess a US National Firearms Permit [Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following]and that all guns in the United States will have to be registered and that no private sales of guns [Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, as amended by section 101 of this Act] between Americans will be allowed, all of which are designed to effectively disarm the entire population of this Nation exactly one year [SEC. 901. EFFECTIVE DATE OF AMENDMENTS.The amendments made by this Act shall take effect 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act.] upon President Obama’s signing on February 17th.

Most astounding of all about these events are the American people themselves have virtually no knowledge of the New World Order they are becoming a part of, and called for by British Prime Minister Brown (British Prime Minister Gordon Brown says that the current financial crisis should be viewed as an opportunity to create a “new global order”, ahead of a week of meetings with world leaders.), French President Sarkozy (Speech given to United Nations), and German Chancellor Merkel (Made in joint statement with Brown and Sarkozy).

But, perhaps nothing captures the true dynamic of these times better than the words of one of the New World Orders main architects, Henry Kissinger as reported by the World Net Daily News Service in their report titled “Kissinger: Obama primed to create ‘New World Order’, and which says:

“Conflicts across the globe and an international respect for Barack Obama have created the perfect setting for establishment of “a New World Order,” according to Henry Kissinger, the Nobel Peace Prize winner and former secretary of state under President Nixon.

Kissinger has long been an integral figure in U.S. foreign policy, holding positions in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations. Author of over a dozen books on foreign policy, Kissinger was also named by President Bush as the chairman of the Sept. 11 investigatory commission.

“The president-elect is coming into office at a moment when there is upheaval in many parts of the world simultaneously,” Kissinger responded. “You have India, Pakistan; you have the jihadist movement. So he can’t really say there is one problem, that it’s the most important one. But he can give new impetus to American foreign policy partly because the reception of him is so extraordinary around the world. His task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when, really, a new world order can be created. It’s a great opportunity, it isn’t just a crisis.”

WHAT do YOU think about this?

Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner Unveils Bank Bailout Plan, Transcript and Video Link, February 10, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Change the Change..No to the NWO

Hello everyone.

This will be an ever evolving page. Lets discuss a bit of what Change the Change 2009 is.

This is a growing group comprised of every walk of life who see that the NWO is coming to power right before our eyes.

Our freedoms are being exterminated and NO one is standing up against it! WAKE UP O SLEEPER BEFORE ITS TO LATE!!

Its time for those who know the truth to stand up and do something about it. You are going to let your voice be heard. The first day of fall 2009, we will PEACEFULLY visit the Capitol of our 50 states to let the world know whats going on, and to let the NWO we know whats up!!








H.R.45,taking away our right to have guns????

Get informed NOW!!

Come back here to check out whats going on and for more posts