Saturday, February 21, 2009

We are here to stay

“Change The Change” is an organization for political activism at the state and federal levels comprised of individual United States citizens who would like to peacefully protest the current onset of gun control, globalization, the destruction of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and any other injustices invoked upon the people of this country. “Change The Change” will not tolerate violence (including the inciting of riots or physical or verbal outbursts of a violent or threatening nature.) or the use of illicit or recreational drugs or alcohol at any of our events. Anyone deemed to be violent, or is found to be under the influence of any narcotic or alcohol, will be asked to excuse themselves from the event quietly, if they refuse, then the individual will then have forfeited their membership with the group and be known as a defector and believed to be in opposition of the groups intentions.
I. Gun Control
A. It has been proven throughout history that gun control is one of the first and most important steps to introducing a tyrannical form of government. It leaves the majority of the opposition defenseless and the others who refuse to abide by any gun control legislation can instantly be deemed outlaws or terrorists and be arrested immediately.
B. Gun Control has been used by many world leaders to control their people and create a state of dependency and insecurity among their people. Adolf Hitler instituted this idea shortly before his attempted extermination of the Jewish people in Germany and his eventual attempt of domination of Europe.
C. Gun Control, like the “War on Drugs” is only effective at keeping outlawed items out of the hands of law abiding citizens, not the “bad people” that the supporting arguments would have you believe.
II. Globalization (NWO)
A. Globalization, also known as The New World Order, has already been endorsed by President Obama and is a real threat to society. This communistic form of government is supported by many of our current government officials and will lead to the total collapse of the United States economy, to include the phasing out of the American dollar.
B. Mexico, Canada and the United States have been speculated to be involved in a plan to form a union under the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) and introduce a new form of currency to replace the American dollar, the Canadian dollar, and the Mexican Peso. This will be the end of the United States of America, the United States constitution, and our entire legal system as we know it changing all of our state and federal laws overnight.
C. This form of government will also dissolve our system of checks and balances and give totalitarian control to a single group or individual over the entire union, region and eventually the world. This would effectively take away the voice and all rights of the people and rule all public opinion null and void.
III. The Destruction of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights
A. The United States Constitution had been getting slowly eaten away for decades but nothing had pushed this along quicker than the “Patriot Act”. This one piece of legislation has made it possible for the government to arrest and imprison any person for nearly any reason under suspect of terrorism.
B. The dissolution of the writ of “Posse Comitatus” can potentially lead to martial law being implemented on our own soil. This would mean that in the event of civil unrest due to the current and worsening state of our economy, that our government could willfully deploy our troops to police private citizens. This would give the military full control of our country resulting in the loss of all of your constitutional rights.
C. Of all of the basic liberties lined out in the “Bill of Rights” only one remains in tact. The entire Bill of Rights is under attack in the name of security.
With all the attacks on the freedoms and liberties that our country has to offer, it’s a wonder why no one had considered this an attack on the American people. Our rights are slipping away on a daily basis and now it’s picking up momentum. It’s time to stand up and make a difference and demand a change. The second American revolution has come, will you be a true patriot or a turncoat? We ask not for violence, or blood shed. We ask only for our constitutional rights to free speech, the right to peacefully assemble, and the right to be heard. If you agree with this brief outline of our organization, then it’s time to stand up and Change the Change. We are here to stay!

Written by: St. Jimmy II
For more information e-mail at: or check out these links to myspace and blogspot;
First,, and Thank you for your time.

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